3 Tips to Relieve Back Pain

Nearly 80% of the world's population experience back problems in their lifetime. Back problems cover a vast range of pains and aches and sometimes can be mistaken for other chronic aches. Doctors and medical experts advise that people with backache and pain should get their problems addressed right away to prevent a simple problem from becoming chronic or needing extensive medication and surgery.
Very often, the answer from someone experiencing back pain would be to just talk about staying in bed and taking it easy or at the least stopping any strenuous activity for some time. This may be suitable for mild aches where some rest may help but prolonged resting and keeping away from some sort of exercise routine may actually be detrimental and prevent complete healing.
Backaches do not always crop up while doing strenuous activity; they just have a way of cropping up at the most inopportune of times, such as say, reaching out for something or bending down to pick an object off the floor. Since the spinal column is the central repository for a lot of nerve endings and connective muscles and tissues, it is necessary to rehabilitate the spine and assist in recovery faster. The spasms and shooting pains can bring even a strong person to tears and so it is absolutely
essential that active back strengthening exercises are performed.
Backaches can be easily set right with a combination of core strengthening exercise regimens and therapy. How they can help with relieving and strengthening the spine is by distributing nutrients and energy into the spaces and tissues to keep the spinal discs, joints, ligaments and muscles healthy and supple. They also help avoid stiffness, weakness and recurrence of back pain.
In cases when severe injuries or dislocation to the spinal column are the cause of back pain a specified rehabilitation program has to be drawn up by the physician treating the patients; trained physiotherapy experts develop individualized programs to provide the correct technique to carry out the exercises.
Such back exercise programs should be comprehensive to be effective; two of the common regiments recommended by therapists are Dynamic Lumbar Stabilization and McKenzie Exercises.
A well-balanced back exercise workout must include a mix of aerobic conditioning which is low-impact, strengthening of discs and bones and stretching of the muscles.
Some common instructions that most doctors advise patients with backache are:
1. Limit bed rest - prolonged rest causes muscles to slacken and weaken and does not alleviate back pain.

2. Continue to exercise - simple exercises like walking, side stretch and upright arm stretches are helpful provided strenuous activities like lifting weights, gardening etc. which may have caused the pain in the first instance, are avoided.

3. Maintain good posture always - poor posture is the cause of a large percentage of backaches; simple things like an incorrect posture while brushing teeth can also cause severe back spasm. By maintaining the right back curvature a lot of pressure on the spine and nerves are reduced.

All backaches cannot be treated alike. There is no magic cure; some people find the pain magically vanishing by improving flexibility and strengthening muscles, others may require core strengthening or even minor surgeries to correct faults and wearing out of the spinal discs.
This article is an original work by Achal Mehrotra
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