World #1 Survival Guide You MUST Own!

No body wants or dreams of finding himself in a life threatening situation, but unfortunately no one of us knows if he or she is going to face one!
The best thing we can do is getting prepared for worst case scenarios, knowing what we should do to survive, and how to act fast instead of improvising or freezing! And this is what the Next Survivor guide is all about, "know what to do, and act fast".
Next Survivor is a survival guide that you can either download it as an ebook to any device or get a physical copy from Amazon! And it has 3 sections; Basic Skills, Survival Techniques, and Special Skills.
We've received our copy of this survival guide and here are all what you will find inside!
1. Basic Skills:
1.1 Disaster Survival Kit

- Water
- Food (been exactly specified inside Next Survivor)
- Sources of light
- Sources of fire
- Other needs
Of course each of these items has been thoroughly explained inside the guide.
We think this guide forgot to mention another very important item, which is the survival knife! You can read our Top 5 Survival Knives article to check the best survival knives that you might consider using.
1.2 First Aid Kit

- A large amount of all shapes and sizes of bandaids
- Bandages in many different types and sizes + bandage tapes + ace bandages
- Antiseptic (Hydrogen peroxide and Alcohol)
- Iodine solution
- Gauze pads
- Burn Gel + Burn Dressing
- EyeWash + Eye Pads
- Tweezers
1.3 How to Find Your Way without Compass/GPS

- The North Star Method
- Two Sticks and a Star Method
- Stick Shadow Method
- Watch Method
- Navigating without the sun, moon, or the stars Method
Full details about each method and images are available inside the guide.
1.4 How to Start a Fire

Next Survivor is detailing how to do it perfectly, and also mentioning other unusual ways to create fire such as the Lens Method or the Battery Method.
1.5 How to Make Ideal Survival Knots

- Square Knot
- Figure 8 Knot
- Bowline Knot
- Sheet Bend Knot
- Carrick Bend Knot
- Clove Hitch Knot
- Taut Line Hitch Knot
- Two Half Hitches Knot
- Timber Hitch Knot
- Man Harness
- Fisherman’s Knot
- Rolling Hitch Knot
- Prusik Knot
- Sheepshank Knot
1.6 How to Find Water in The Wild

- Nearby Signs of Water
- Moisture
- Underground Water
- Rainwater
- Snow
- Solar Still
1.7 How to Store Water

At such situations you might find yourself at shortage of water, so Next Survivor explained 3 ways you can store water:
- Storing Bottled Water
- Use Empty Bottles
- Emergency Drinking Water Storage known as WaterBOB
1.8 How to Build the Ultimate Survival Shelter

The guide then started explaining how to create these shelter:
- The Debris Pile Shelter
- The Fallen Tree Shelter
- The Lean-To Shelter
- The A-Frame Shelter
- The Blanket Shelter
- The Bed
1.9 How to Build a Snow Shelter

- The Basics: Do's and Don'ts
- The Location
- The Snow Shelter Types (Tree Well Shelter and Quinzee Shelter) and How to Build Them
1.10 House Fire Prevention

Common Fire Hazards & Prevention: mentioning the most common causes of house fires and how to prevent them.
Fire Safety: the best part about this section is the Home Escape Plan! You really should learn this!
Get Next Survivor on Amazon! Or download your eBook copy!
Get Next Survivor on Amazon! Or download your eBook copy!
2. Survival Techniques
2.1 How to Survive a Natural Disaster

- Earthquakes
- Tornados
- Floods
- Hurricanes
2.2 How to Survive a Lightening Strike

2.3 How to Escape Quicksand

2.4 How to Survive a Plane Crash

2.5 How to Survive a Mass Shooting

We highly advise you to learn this technique and teach it to your loved ones as well!
2.6 How to Escape a Sinking Car

2.7 How to Survive a Dog Attack

Several other tips have been mentioned such as a list of the most dangerous breeds you should be aware of!
2.8 How to Survive a Bear Attack

There are mention of 3 types of bears; brown/grizzly bears, black bears, and polar bears.
2.9 How to Survive a Mountain Lion Encounter

3. Special Skills
3.1 How to Track Animals

Next Survivor detailed these things you need to look for to track animals:
- Footprints & Tails Trails
- Tunnels and Burrows Nests
- Beds & Lays
- Feathers
- Droppings and Urine
- Signs on Vegetation
- Bones & Skulls
- Remains
3.2 How to Disguise in the Wild

3.3 How to Knock Down a Door

3.4 How to Control Major Bleeding

3.5 How to Perform a Fireman Carry

3.6 How to Jump from Rooftop to Rooftop

Should You Buy the Next Survivor Guide?
Without much hesitation we will say YES! The guide has all the necessary skills any survivor must know, as well as an explanation of some of the worst scenarios you may face in your life!
At moment of danger knowledge is all you get, and you don't want to end up as a victim!
Get Next Survivor on Amazon! Or download your eBook copy!
Get Next Survivor on Amazon! Or download your eBook copy!
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